(A)   An ERU of one is assigned to each Type A property.
   (B)   The ERU for each Type B property shall be determined by computation, as follows:
      (1)   The minimum ERU for each property is one.
      (2)   The user fee for an ERU of one shall be $8 each month for operation, debt service, and capital charges.
         (a)   For ERUs greater than one, the user fee shall be multiplied by the ERU to determine the monthly user fee.
         (b)   For billing purposes, the ERU will be rounded to the nearest 0.1 per ERU.
      (3)   Service rates shall be effective January 1, 2014 and shall be included in the combined billings issued by the town. Reasonable charges and penalties may be added to each billing of delinquent charges to be determined by the Council.
      (4)   (a)   For initial billing purposes, Appendix B “Determination of Impervious Areas for Non-Residential Customers” attached to the stormwater user fee report dated December 2000, prepared by Bonar Group, are approved and adopted.
         (b)   Owners of property classified as Type B may appeal the determination of ISA and classification as Type B to the Town Council, and the Town Council, upon the owner’s showing of error, shall correct the ISA and classification, and may order a refund of service charges collected in error.
(Ord. 2013-5, passed 12-10-2013)