(A)   “Sealed bid” is the preferred method of competitive procurement for city supply contracts and service contracts estimated to exceed the amount designated in ARM 2.5.603 as a small purchase or a limited solicitation. Sealed bids shall be solicited with an invitation for bid.
   (B)   The invitation for bids shall include the following:
      (1)   Instructions and information to bidders concerning the bid submission requirements, including the time and date established for bid opening, the address of the office to which bids are to be delivered, and any other special information;
      (2)   The purchase description, delivery or performance schedule, and any inspection and acceptance requirements not included in the purchase description; and
      (3)   The contract terms and conditions, including warranty and bonding or other security requirements, as applicable.
   (C)   The invitation for bid may incorporate documents by reference if the invitation for bid specifies where such documents can be obtained.
   (D)   Addenda, if any, will be provided to all vendors who received an invitation for bid, or notice of the addenda will be placed in the electronic format designated for giving public notice.
   (E)   Upon receipt of a bid or a facsimile transmission of a bid, the City Administrator will cause it to be time-stamped and stored in a secure place until the time and date set for bid opening. In order to be considered timely, a complete printed bid response must be delivered to the specified destination by the specified time.
   (F)   Bids shall be opened publicly at the time, date and place designated in the invitation for bid.
   (G)   The city may request city agencies or private consultants to perform tests or to provide technical expertise to determine product or service acceptability on bids received.
   (H)   Following determination of product acceptability, bids will be reviewed to determine which bidder offers the lowest cost to the city in accordance with the specifications set forth in the invitation for bids, including the applicable preference provisions.
   (I)   Nothing in this rule shall be deemed to permit contract award to a bidder submitting a higher quality item than that designated in the invitation for bid if such bidder is not also the lowest bidder as determined under division (H) above.
   (J)   Multiple award contracts are allowable if determined to be in the best interest of the city.
   (K)   The discretion of the City Council, will be used to resolve tie bids.
   (L)   The city may use supply schedules established by the federal General Services Administration or State Procurement Division as sources of bids. The supply schedule item must meet or exceed the specifications, terms and conditions of the invitation for bid and must be the lowest acceptable bid in order to be selected. The pertinent supply schedule must be recorded as a bid from the supplier for the inspection of all bidders.
(Ord. 173, passed 9-10-2001)