It shall be unlawful for any person or property owner to knowingly permit any grass or noxious or non-noxious weeds to grow that might create a fire hazard, blight or public safety.
(A) Grass, weeds, and lawns which are not regularly cut and mowed and maintained. Grass length shall not exceed six inches; weeds must be controlled and not allowed to propagate so as to constitute a fire hazard, and grass clippings must be properly disposed.
(B) Fallen leaves and branches that are allowed to accumulate upon the premises to the point of creating a safety or fire hazard.
(C) Lots must be maintained free of excessive vegetative growth, debris, piles and other unsightly accumulations.
(D) Any owner or occupant of any real property shall trim all trees overhanging any public thoroughfare, so that the branches thereon will not interfere with pedestrians or public travel and shall provide vertical clearance of 8 feet over sidewalks and multiuse paths, and 14 feet over streets.
(E) Any owner or occupant of any real property shall maintain all hedges and shrubbery adjacent to public sidewalks or multiuse paths so that no part of said hedges and/or shrubbery shall extend over any part of a public sidewalk or multiuse paths.
(F) It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, not the owner thereof, or without lawful authority so to do, to injure willfully, deface, disfigure, or destroy any tree or shrub, or to injure, destroy, cut or pick any flower or plant located on any public place or thoroughfare.
(Ord. 2020-01, passed 6-15-2020)