(A)   Purpose. The Central Business District is intended to be the central focus of the city’s business, government, service and cultural activities. The uses in this district should be those that are appropriate in a high density, intensively developed commercial center. Appropriate area should be provided for the logical and planned expansion of the present district. The area should be developed as an attractive, functional and convenient commercial environment, and to provide the mix of activities necessary to maintain the downcity character.
   (B)   Permitted principal uses. The following uses are permitted within this district:
      (1)   Amusement centers, recreational facilities located in enclosed building;
      (2)   Apartments, located above the first floor;
      (3)   Auditoriums, theaters;
      (4)   Building materials and equipment sales conducted in an enclosed building;
      (5)   Clubs and lodges;
      (6)   Convenience stores;
      (7)   Financial institutions;
      (8)   Funeral homes;
      (9)   Government, educational and institutional uses;
      (10)   Hotels, motels;
      (11)   Laundry and dry cleaning establishments;
      (12)   Medical and dentist offices, clinics and laboratories;
      (13)   Museums and art galleries;
      (14)   Nursing homes;
      (15)   Offices: professional, business, administrative, services;
      (16)   Parking areas;
      (17)   Police and fire stations;
      (18)   Libraries;
      (19)   Restaurants (not including drive-in eating establishments);
      (20)   Bars, taverns, lounges, night clubs - in accordance with § 153.34(J);
      (21)   Retail businesses or services, whose activities primarily are conducted within an enclosed building;
      (22)   Senior citizen centers; and
      (23)   Other uses commensurate with the above uses and compatible with the purpose of this district.
   (C)   Accessory and temporary uses.
      (1)   Accessory buildings and uses incidental to the principal uses;
      (2)   Temporary buildings or structures used for and during construction or grading;
      (3)   Temporary signs;
      (4)   Temporary use of open land for meetings, circuses and carnivals; and
      (5)   Sale of Christmas trees, baked goods, clothing or like products where no permanent structure is erected.
   (D)   Lot area and width.
      (1)   Where public water and sewer service is available, no minimum lot size is required.
      (2)   Where State Department of Health and Environmental Sciences approval of water or sewer facilities is required, that agency shall determine the lot size.
   (E)   Building height. Maximum building height shall be 45 feet.
   (F)   Yard requirements.
      (1)   Front yard: any building or structure must be set back at least eight feet from the curb or street pavement.
      (2)   Side yard: no side yards are required.
   (G)   Signs. All signs must comply with requirements of § 153.36.
(Ord. 2007-03, passed 1-14-2008)