(A)   The conversation shall remain civil and respectful always.
   (B)   Inaccurate information posted by non-employees may be addressed and corrected on a factual basis only.
   (C)   Personal attacks, vulgar language, discriminatory or inflammatory posts by others are strongly discouraged. If a post is determined to be in violation of this policy, such posts may be removed.
   (D)   Elected officials may not post as “Village of Botkins” and are discouraged from discussing campaigns, issues and other political matters on village accounts.
   (E)   Campaigning on behalf of political candidates or in support or opposition to issues is discouraged.
   (F)   Political candidates are encouraged to establish their own fan pages and social media accounts and are discouraged from using village accounts, pages and the like.
   (G)   Repeated violations to this policy may result in removal of access to the service.
   (H)   This social media policy shall be revised as needed. Posts to the village social media accounts shall constitute acceptance of this policy.
(Ord. 10-07, passed 3-30-2010)