(A) The village will utilize one central account with desired social media networks. Individual departments and employees, including the Fire and Police Departments, will utilize the central account to convey desired communication.
(B) Management of social media accounts and initiatives shall lie primarily within the realm of the Village Administrator.
(C) A limited number of employees shall have access to social media accounts and passwords and permission to post as the village.
(D) Elected officials and other employees are not to post, without advance approval, to the village pages as representatives of the organization.
(E) Other village staff members may request that authorized staff post a message from the village on their behalf.
(F) Posts to village pages/accounts from employees’ personal accounts are permitted. Employees are encouraged to disclose their relationship/employment with the village.
(G) The village will strive to share information honestly and openly to receive comments and feedback with an open mind in a spirit of collaboration.
(H) The village will not post untruthful and purposefully inaccurate information. If an inadvertent inaccuracy is posted, a correction will be published as soon as possible.
(I) The village will not edit others’ posts.
(J) At all times, employees shall use good judgment when posting. Employees shall refrain from posts that may be interpreted as offensive, obscene, demeaning or inflammatory. Confidential information shall not be posted.
(K) At times, employees may determine other means/tools are more appropriate ways to respond to citizen/fan posts or may determine that it is best not to respond to a post at all.
(L) In general, individual complaints, concerns or service requests will not be addressed via social media.
(M) Staff members shall resist the temptation to engage in back-and-forth conversation regarding topics that are complex, controversial, heated or otherwise sensitive.
(N) Village employees, in consultation with the Village Administrator, will determine when an issue raised by others has reached a critical mass that requires a village response on the account.
(Ord. 10-07, passed 3-30-2010)