The Sidewalk Inspector shall apply the following criteria in the determination of whether construction and/or repair is necessary.
(A) Sidewalks.
(1) If more than one crack is present, the section shall be replaced. If a single crack is one-eighth inch or more in width, the section shall be replaced.
(2) Adjoining sections or portions thereof whose edges differ vertically by more than one-half inch or create a tripping hazard shall be replaced.
(3) Section(s) that have holes in them one inch or more in diameter or are cracked or broken in such a manner that pieces of concrete are missing or loose shall be replaced.
(4) Section(s) having depressions, reverse cross slope (sloping away from the street), or below back of curb grade causing the impoundment of mud or water shall be replaced.
(5) Sidewalk sections with a 25% or larger area that is generally deteriorated as evident by spalling, raveling or irregular surfaces shall be replaced.
(6) Section(s) which cause an abrupt change in the slope of the sidewalk shall be replaced.
(7) Sidewalks that have settled due to utility installation shall be replaced.
(8) Should 60% of sidewalks on a given parcel be found deficient, 100% of the sidewalks on said parcel may be considered deficient.
(B) Curb and gutters.
(1) Any section which has horizontal cracks or cracks causing spalling or breaking away of the curb section shall be replaced.
(2) Adjoining sections or portions whose edges differ vertically by more than one-half inch shall be replaced.
(3) Any section in which the concrete has deteriorated leaving the aggregate exposed shall be replaced.
(4) Any section where the gutter impounds water shall be replaced.
(5) Any section having material (asphalt, concrete, mortar and the like) added to the gutter so as to impede normal flow shall be replaced.
(6) Any section which causes an abrupt change in slope shall be replaced.
(7) Any section that has been cut or altered to accommodate a drain pipe to the street shall be replaced.
(8) Where 70% or more of the existing curb within the same block is defective and of similar age, all of the curb and gutter within that block may be required to be replaced utilizing slip form construction.
(9) When determining curbs in need of repair or replacement, sections requiring action by property owners shall be a minimum of ten feet.
(C) Driveway approaches.
(1) Driveway approach sections which have multiple cracks or a single crack with a width of one-quarter inch or more in width shall be replaced.
(2) Driveway approach sections which differ vertically by one-half inch or more above or below the sidewalk and/or the back of the curb abutting the driveway approach shall be replaced.
(3) Driveway approach sections which are cracked or broken in such a manner that pieces of concrete are missing or loose or will cause a situation where pieces can become missing or loose shall be replaced.
(4) Driveway approach sections which are dipped across the sidewalk in such a manner that an abrupt change in grade in the sidewalk is created shall be replaced.
(5) Driveway approaches which exhibit any of the following characteristics: do not match the grade of the curb and gutter, promote the retention of water, and/or impede storm water flows shall be replaced.
(6) Abandoned driveway approaches shall be removed and curbing replaced.
(Ord. 20-02, passed 1-28-2020)