(A)   Refuse.
      (1)   No furniture, mattresses, household furnishings, rugs, appliances, dilapidated vehicles or vehicle parts, discarded or abandoned machinery, and construction equipment shall be placed or stored in any yard area or use within the village over a period in excess of ten days. Said ten-day period may be extended as a result of extenuating circumstances if approved by the Village Administrator, Police Chief or Fire Chief.
      (2)   Exterior property areas of all premises or uses shall be kept free of debris, objects, materials or conditions that, in the opinion of the Village Administrator, create a health, accident, or fire hazard, or are a public nuisance, or constitute a blighting or deteriorating influence on the neighborhood. All debris shall be removed within ten days. Said ten-day period may be extended as a result of extenuating circumstances if approved by the Village Administrator, Police Chief or Fire Chief.
   (B)   Grass and weed control; surface condition; removal of noxious and excessively high grass and weeds constituting a public nuisance.
      (1)   It is hereby deemed that weeds or grass growing at a height of nine inches or higher upon any property within the village are a public nuisance.
      (2)   All lots shall be provided with grass or other appropriate ground cover or landscaping material so as to assure absorption of rainfall and prevent erosion and rapid runoff of surface water.
   (C)   Accessory structures.
      (1)   All structures or uses located in the yard areas within the village, such as sheds, barns, garages, bins and the like, shall be maintained in good repair in conformance with other provisions of this subchapter having regard to foundations, roofs and exterior surfaces.
      (2)   Any broken, rusted, deteriorated, or decayed fence, yard enclosure, or other device or structure located in the yard area contiguous to any structure or use within the village shall be repaired or removed.
   (D)   Ground surface hazards. Holes, cracks, excavations, breaks, projections and obstructions at any place on the premises which, in the opinion of the Zoning Inspector, are a hazard to persons using the premises shall not be permitted.
   (E)   Motor vehicles. 
      (1)   Generally. A nuisance is hereby declared to exist when a person, firm, or corporation keeps, stores, places, or allows to remain, unlicensed motor vehicles, motor vehicles in an inoperative condition, motor vehicles unfit for further use, or automobile or motor vehicle parts on any parcel of land, street, or alley, within the corporate limits of the village.
      (2)   Definitions. For the purpose of this division (E), the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
         AUTOMOBILE AND MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS. Any portion or parts of any motor driven vehicle as detached from the vehicle as a whole.
         MOTOR VEHICLE IN AN INOPERATIVE CONDITION. Any style or type of motor driven vehicle used or useful for the conveyance of persons or property which is unable to move under its own power due to defective or missing parts and which has remained in such condition for a period in excess of ten consecutive days.
         MOTOR VEHICLE UNFIT FOR FURTHER USE. Any style or type of motor driven vehicle used for the conveyance of persons or property which is in a dangerous condition, has defective or missing parts, or is in such a condition generally as to be unfit for further use as a conveyance.
(Ord. 20-20, passed 7-28-2020)