The Joint Recreation Board established by this subchapter shall have the following power and authority to:
   (A)   Acquire, in the manner provided by law for the acquisition of land or buildings for public purposes in municipal corporations, land and buildings for use as playgrounds, playfields and parks under R.C. § 755.12;
   (B)   Supervise and maintain parks, playgrounds and playfields located at and in connection with the park;
   (C)   Equip, develop and operate the park and the park facilities as authorized by R.C. §§ 755.12 through 755.18;
   (D)   Employ play leaders, recreation directors, supervisors, superintendents, or any other officers or employees necessary for carrying out the purposes and functions of the Joint Recreation Board in connection with the park as authorized under R.C. § 755.13;
   (E)   Acquire and pay the cost of insuring such officers or employees against liability on account of damages or injury to persons or property arising from or out of the activity and/or conduct of the members of the Joint Recreation Board established by this subchapter and the members in their performance of their official duties in connection with the park; and
   (F)   Do all things which are necessary and incidental in connection with and in furtherance of the purposes of the Joint Recreation Board set forth in subchapter; the power and authority of the Joint Recreation Board set forth in this section; and the power and authority for Joint Recreation Board set forth in R.C. §§ 755.12 through 755.18 in connection with the park.
(Res. 98-28, passed 9-9-1998)