(A)   There is hereby established a video service provider (VSP) fee that is calculated by applying a VSP fee percentage of 3% to the video service provider’s gross revenues as defined in § 1332.32(B) of the Video Law, being R.C. § 1332.21 through 1332.24. All video service providers and cable television operators providing video service in the village shall apply the VSP fee percentage against gross revenues as defined in the Video Law.
   (B)   The VSP fee shall be paid by each video service provider providing service in the village on a quarterly basis but not sooner than 45 days nor later than 60 days after the end of each calendar quarter per R.C. § 1332.32(A).
   (C)   The Mayor is authorized and directed to provide any video service provider with notice of the VSP fee percentage as determined by the Council, which notice shall be given by certified mail, upon receipt of notice from such video service provider that it will begin providing video service in the village pursuant to a state-issued video service authorization.
(Ord. 09-10, passed 7-28-2009)