Ord./Res. No. | Date Passed
Ord./Res. No. | Date Passed
Ord. 90-06 | 10-9-1990 | Rezoning Lots 213, 214, 215 and 168 from R-2 and R-3 District |
Ord. 93-28 | 11-9-1993 | Rezoning Lots 270 and 271 in the Gerber Addition from Light Industrial to R-1 Residential |
Ord. 95-11 | 6-13-1995 | Rezoning 5.498 acres located along SR 274 from B-1 to C-2 General Commercial/Light Industrial District |
Ord. 95-12 | 6-13-1995 | Rezoning 26.687 acres of land located along SR 274 from B-1 to I- 1 |
Ord. 97-18 | 12-9-1997 | Rezoning 4.99 acres of land located along SR 219 from R-3 to C-2 General Commercial/Light Industrial District |
Ord. 02-10 | 7-9-2002 | Establishing I Industrial zoning for property located at County Road 25A, approximately 1,600 feet north of SR 274 |
Ord. 02-11 | 7-9-2002 | Rezoning property located at County Road 25A, approximately 800 feet south of Lock Two Road from A-1 Agricultural District to R-1 Single-Family Residential District |
Ord. 04-15 | 1-11-2005 | Rezoning 302 N. Main Street and 110 E. Lynn Street from R-1 Single-Family Residential District to C-2 General Commercial/Light Industrial District |
Ord. 05-18 | 11-15-2005 | Rezoning 205 South Main Street C-1 Commercial District to R-1 Single-Family Residential District |
Ord. 05-19 | 11-15-2005 | Rezoning Lots 549 through 554 from R-1 Single-Family District to R-2 Single-/Two-Family Residential District |
Ord. 06-28 | - -2006 | Rezoning Lots 561 and 562 |
Ord. 07-19 | - -2007 | Rezoning 6.26 acres of land located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 7 South, Range 6 East in Dinsmore Township from A-1 to R-2 Single-/Two-Family Residential District |
Ord. 07-12 | 10-9-2007 | Rezoning Lots 563 of the Sitzman Subdivision from I Industrial to R-2 Single-/Two-Family Residential District |
Ord. 07-13 | 10-9-2007 | Rezoning Lot 564 from I Industrial to C- 2 General Commercial/Light Industrial |
Ord. 08-03 | - -2008 | Rezoning 0.35 acres located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 9,Township 7 South, Range 6 East in Dinsmore Township from Business B-2 to R-2 Single-/Two- Family Residential District |
Ord. 13-02 | 1-15-2013 | Rezoning Shaffer, W. Wilt and Hageman parcels to R-1 Single- Family District |
Ord. 16-10 | 5-5-2016 | Rezoning Woodland Phases I and II, and Woodland Retention Basin to R-2 Single-/ Two-Family Residential District |