A site plan submission shall contain any and/or all of the following when deemed to be reasonably appropriate by the Village Administrator:
   (A)   The accurate dimensions and size of the site area as well as the topography of the site and immediately adjoining lands within 50 feet of the property line at one-foot intervals;
   (B)   The locations and dimensions of all existing and proposed streets, courts and pedestrian walkways within and abutting the site, as well as the location, size, and means of ingress and egress of all off-street loading and parking areas. The location and arrangements of the parking areas and access shall also be shown, and the means of defining parking areas and access lanes, via curbs, bumper blocks, railroad ties, or physical obstructions or other methods approved by the Village Engineer, shall be illustrated. All proposed signs shall be shown, detailing location, dimensions, height and, where applicable, verbiage;
   (C)   The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings and structures within the site and on adjoining lands, within 50 feet of the property line, as well as the existing or proposed use of such building or structure, including the number, type, and floor area of commercial uses to be accommodated in each;
   (D)   A complete utilities plan, providing electric, gas, telephone, cable television, storm sewer, water, and sanitary sewer services, including connections to existing service lines and existing and proposed easements. Such plans shall comply with the village design criteria and construction standards and drawings;
   (E)   The location, size and type of fire hydrants; building plans; fire suppression system plans; Fire Department access areas; and fire lane signage. Such plans shall comply with state and local building and fire codes and shall be approved by the Fire Chief (or authorized representative);
   (F)   A grading and drainage plan to illustrate proposed grading of the site and methods used to comply with village storm water runoff, erosion, and sediment control specifications found in the village design criteria and construction standards and drawings;
   (G)   A landscaping plan showing the location and types of screen planting, buffer areas, human-made screening and other features, which shall enhance the site;
   (H)   An exterior lighting plan showing the location of lighting fixtures, their type and output, as well as the proposed radius of lighted area for each fixture;
   (I)   The proposed internal vehicular circulation of access roads shall be delineated and related to connections with public streets. Existing and proposed traffic patterns and volumes, and the anticipated effect on existing public streets serving the site shall be provided for the Village Engineer’s review. Complexes shall provide curb or other types of internal access lane separations for parking spaces to assist in internal circulation and parking area delineation;
   (J)   The division of the development into sections shall be delineated if staged construction is contemplated, as well as which parking areas and other improvements shall be provided for each stage of development; and
   (K)   Proposed complexes designed for condominium, cooperative, or other multiple ownership arrangements shall indicate proposed individual, joint, or common ownership areas to assure maintenance and operation of common features such as lighting and parking facilities. Any arrangements requiring subdivision approval shall also be subject to the subdivision regulations.
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002)