The joint or collective provision of required off-street parking areas shall comply with the following standards and requirements.
(A) All required parking spaces shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served, except that where an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use, or where such spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two or more buildings or establishments, the required spaces may be located not farther than 500 feet from the building served.
(B) Not more than 50% of the parking spaces required for theaters, bowling alleys, dance halls, night clubs, taverns, and similar uses, and up to 100% of the parking spaces required for churches, schools, auditoriums, and similar uses may be provided and jointly used by banks, offices, retail stores, repair shops, service establishments, and similar uses that are not normally open, used, or operated during the same hours as the uses with which such spaces are jointly or collectively used.
(C) In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use served, or where such spaces are collectively or jointly provided and used, a written agreement thereby assuring their retention for such purposes shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form by legal counsel, and filed with the application for a building/zoning permit.
(D) All required parking spaces together with driveways, and other circulation areas, shall be dust-free and of a hard-surface with a pavement having an asphalt or concrete binder, such as concrete, asphalt, double chip and seal, or paver bricks; provided, however, that variances for parking related to school auditoriums, assembly areas, sports fields, and other community meeting or recreation areas may be granted; provided that paved areas shall be provided for daily-use parking areas. Owners/builders may petition the Planning Commission with regards to this section. If the Planning Commission determines that a non-hard surface is not detrimental to immediate neighbors and the Comprehensive Zoning Plan, it may grant a variance by majority vote. Where paving is not required, proper dust control measures shall be undertaken and maintained.
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002)