(A) All land in contiguous ownership shall be shown on the plans. The entire parcel is to be included, even if the development is to take place in phases.
(B) The development shall be designed in a manner as to provide safe access, harmonious arrangements of land uses, separation of differing modes of transportation, areas for storm water runoff and possible retention, adequate solid waste and sewage disposal, buffers, parking, and other utilities.
(C) All development which abuts land zoned residential or used for residential purposes shall be adequately buffered from residential boundaries. The buffer shall consist of one or more of the following items: fences, berms, mounding, or plantings that are more than six feet tall and form a solid barrier. Where the proposed development may produce excessive noise, traffic, dust, glare or odor, a planted green belt up to 100 feet in depth shall be required, and shall be considered part of the open space.
(D) All areas for outdoor storage of materials, waste or finished products shall be indicated on the plans. The plans shall state the chemical composition or form of the materials, type of storage, length of storage and height of materials. All outdoor storage areas shall be enclosed by a wall or fence of solid appearance or a tightly-spaced evergreen hedge to conceal the areas or facilities from view from adjacent land uses and primary access roads.
(E) No raw galvanized or other raw metal sheeting or untreated concrete block may be used for the exterior construction of any building in the I-PUD.
(F) All buildings shall be of designs and materials which will promote a visually harmonious environment.
(G) Outdoor lighting shall not disrupt neighboring land uses by excessive glare.
(H) Not more than 80% of the total land area of an industrial development shall be devoted to structures, accessory structures, parking areas and streets.
(I) All parking areas in an I-PUD shall contain landscaping in accordance with an approved landscaping plan. The landscaping shall be completed as soon as practicable according to weather conditions. Where permanent planting must be delayed due to weather conditions, erosion control measures shall be employed until the landscaping is completed.
(J) Erosion and runoff control measures shall be employed during construction of buildings and improvements in an I-PUD.
(K) (1) A paved road shall be provided with adequate frontage for each structure. The road shall be constructed in conformance with standards established by the village. Roads serving primarily non-residential traffic, especially truck traffic, shall not normally be extended to the boundary of adjacent land zoned for residential use or in residential use; nor shall primarily residential roads be used for access to industrial developments. No portion of any lot shall be paved unless in accordance with the approved site plan.
(2) Loading docks, truck parking or truck turn-around areas shall be designated through the use of signs and pavement markings. These areas shall be separated from parking and access areas used by automobiles or pedestrians. Roadway shall not be used for truck parking, standing or backing areas. Parking and loading facilities shall not be located between structures and local access streets.
(3) Fire lanes shall be provided at all entrances to and exits from structures and storage areas and at all locations of hydrants. Fire lanes shall be designated by signs and pavement markings.
(4) All rail lines, sidings or switching facilities shall be indicated on the site plan. The village may require additional vehicular or pedestrian crossings.
(L) Any applicant for approval of a I-PUD under the provisions of this section shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal standards relating to air and water quality, heat, noise, glare, and odor. The applicant also shall comply with any applicable environmental standards which have been approved by the Village Council.
(M) Signs within an I-PUD shall be regulated in conformance with §§ 153.170 through 153.182, except that in addition to the other permitted signs, there may be one sign no more than 100 square feet in area at each entrance to the development. Such signs shall be for the purpose of identifying the overall development.
(O) The maximum height of buildings in the I-PUD shall be 40 feet. All other structures shall comply with this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002) Penalty, see § 153.999