(A) Applicants are encouraged to use innovative design, including varying of lot sizes and building orientation. Proposals which do not reflect these innovations may be rejected by the Planning Commission.
(B) PUDs shall be designed in a manner which promotes harmonious relationships between the development and surrounding land uses.
(C) Open space within a PUD may be required by the Planning Commission and if required, shall meet the following criteria:
(1) No less than 20% of the total land area, exclusive of streets and street rights-of-way, shall be devoted to common open space. In R-PUDs, this land shall be used for recreation or conservation purposes, and in C-PUDs, this land shall be appropriately landscaped and may contain walkways, benches, and the like;
(2) The R-PUDs, at least half of the common open space shall be usable for active recreation;
(3) The size, location, shape and character of the open space must be suitable for the designated uses;
(4) No more than 20% of the common open space may be devoted to paved areas (such as parking lots, walks and hard-surfaced play areas) and structures used for or accessory to open space uses; and
(5) Landscape plans for the common open space must be approved by the Planning Commission.
(D) Townhouses constructed in PUDs must meet the following criteria:
(1) No more than four contiguous townhouses shall be built in a row with the same or approximately the same front line, and no more than eight townhouses shall be contiguous;
(2) Each townhouse shall have its own yard containing no less than 400 square feet, reasonably secluded from view from streets or from neighboring property. These yards shall not be used for off-street parking, garages, storage facilities, driveways or accessory buildings;
(3) The minimum distance between any two rows of townhouse buildings substantially parallel with each other shall be 60 feet; and
(4) The minimum distance between any two abutting ends of townhouse buildings in the same general plan or row shall be 25 feet or greater.
(F) Signs in a PUD shall conform to the requirements with §§ 153.170 through 153.182, except that in addition to the other permitted signs, there may be one sign at each entrance to the development indicating the name of the development. In residential PUDs, the signs shall not exceed 40 square feet in size, and in commercial PUDs, the signs shall not exceed 80 square feet in size. The Planning Commission may reduce the maximum size of the signs in accordance with the size, design and location of the PUD.
(G) Street layouts to PUDs shall be designed in a manner to minimize pavement lengths. To the extent possible, streets shall conform to the natural contours of the land. In commercial PUDs, fire lanes shall be provided and approved as to location and width by the Fire Department.
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002) Penalty, see § 153.999