(A)   All washing activities shall be carried on within an enclosed building, except for entrance and exit doors which may be left open during the hours of operation.
   (B)   The minimum site size shall be 15,000 square feet, with no less than 100 feet of frontage.
   (C)   Automobile washing structures shall be located at least 50 feet from any adjoining residential property and shall be no closer than ten feet from side property lines.
   (D)   Vacuuming or steam cleaning equipment may be located outside a building, but shall not be placed closer than 50 feet to any adjacent residential property and at least 20 feet from a public right-of-way.
   (E)   Water or residue from the washing process shall not be allowed to drain from the site containing such establishment.
   (F)   All parking and access drives shall be hard-surfaced and dust-free.
   (G)   The following waiting and parking requirements shall be minimum requirements.
      (1)   A minimum of six off-street waiting spaces shall be provided for every bay of a self-service washing facility, and a minimum of ten off-street waiting spaces shall be provided for every bay with automatic or assembly-line type washing facilities. Waiting spaces shall not block or otherwise interfere with site circulation patterns.
      (2)   A minimum of two parking spaces shall be provided at the exit end of each washing bay for drying and hand finishing of vehicles.
      (3)   One parking space for each regular employee of the premises with a minimum of two employee parking spaces for the site.
   (H)   A solid fence, wall or evergreen shrubbery at least six feet in height shall be required when an automobile washing facility is adjacent to a residential district or adjacent to any residential property.
   (I)   Access shall only be from arterial or commercial collector streets to which the automobile washing facility shall adjoin. Alleys shall not be used for access to or from an automobile washing facility, nor shall alleys be used for maneuvering, waiting or parking purposes.
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002)