(A)   This policy is needed to set pricing and costs for the sale of bulk water to haulers.
      (1)   Administrative fee: $50;
      (2)   Rate per every 1,000 gallons: $20;
      (3)   Minimum charge is for 1,000 gallons: ;
      (4)   Charged by 1,000-gallon increments: ;
      (5)   After hours fee-per hour: $50; and
      (6)   The above-mentioned fees are cumulative per day.
   (B)   Regular loading hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with appointment made prior. After hours are any others upon approval of the Public Works Director. After hours loading charge will be charged for any part of an hour.
   (C)   Once the water leaves the village appurtenance, the village is no longer liable or responsible and it is no longer considered potable water by EPA standards.
   (D)   All invoices are payable and due 30 days from the invoice date.
(Ord. 20-03, passed 2-25-2020; Ord. 23-36, passed 12-13-2023)