(A)   Customers who use large amounts of water for various watering activities or swimming pools may realize savings in charges by having a separate meter installed to measure usage. Since sanitary sewer service charges are based upon the amount of water consumed, adjustments to sewage charges can be made by obtaining a special meter from the village office. No adjustment will be made unless this special meter is used. There will be a deposit for the use of this meter. Applications for a separate meter must be directed to the Village Administrator and should be submitted to the Fiscal Officer at the Village Administration Office. Residents who have a permanent swimming pool installed may purchase a meter from the village to receive this adjustment.
   (B)   Secondary meters may be purchased from the village at cost for usage in lawn/plant watering. These meters shall be charged the quarterly minimum plus usage for water, but will not have charges for sewerage. Residents who purchase secondary meters must request shut-off in order to avoid minimum charges during times in which they are not used.
(Ord. 20-03, passed 2-25-2020)