In order to protect and screen property, prevent unintended access to commercial and industrial sites, provide security and privacy to property owners, provide a physical and visual barrier between different land uses, define property lines, and improve the overall aesthetic appearance of a lot, the following standards shall apply to all zoning districts.
   (A)   A fence, wall, hedge, or other barrier may be located in the rear or side yard in any district, provided the following.
      (1)   In residential districts, the height of the fence, wall or barrier shall not exceed six feet above the ground except when surrounding a tennis court, where it shall not exceed ten feet in height, excluding post height. Hedges shall not exceed eight feet in height.
      (2)   In non-residential districts, the height of the fence, wall, hedge or barrier shall not exceed ten feet above the ground, excluding post height.
      (3)   A fence, wall, hedge or other barrier may not be located in any utility easement.
      (4)   On corner lots, fences, walls or hedges which obstruct visibility may not exceed three feet in height along the lot lines abutting the street.
   (B)   Special requirements for placing a fence, wall, hedge or other barrier in a front yard in any district are as follows.
      (1)   The fence, wall, hedge or barrier shall be ornamental in nature, meaning it does not enclose the yard, does not have a gate and is clearly intended to decorate the yard rather than to contain it.
      (2)   The fence, wall, hedge or barrier shall not exceed three and one-half feet above the ground, excluding posts.
      (3)   The fence, wall, hedge or barrier shall not be located closer than three feet to the lot line along the street frontage nor shall it be located in the required sight triangle of corner lots.
   (C)   All support structures shall face to the inside.
   (D)   All fence installation or modification requires a building/zoning permit.
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002)