(A)   Intent. This District is intended to provide specific zoning for commercial use properties in the village along State Street and Main Street.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses.
      (1)   Public and recreational uses.
         (a)   Places of worship;
         (b)   Libraries;
         (c)   Public buildings of all types (Fire Department and Police Department);
         (d)   Non-commercial recreational facilities;
         (e)   Museums;
         (f)   Child day care centers, commercial or professional; and
         (g)   Private clubs.
      (2)   Business office uses.
         (a)   Business, professional and administrative offices; and
         (b)   Medical offices and clinics.
      (3)   Retail commercial and service uses.
         (a)   General merchandise stores;
         (b)   Personal services;
         (c)   Restaurants; standard;
         (d)   Restaurants; fast food;
         (e)   Financial establishments;
         (f)   Commercial planned unit developments;
         (g)   Private schools;
         (h)   Arcade and pool halls;
         (i)   Household items repair shops;
         (j)   Printing, publishing, lithographing, binding and computer-based establishments; and
         (k)   Nurseries and garden supplies stores.
      (4)   Road service and commercial entertainment uses.
         (a)   Bars, taverns, nightclubs and dance clubs;
         (b)   Carry outs;
         (c)   Commercial entertainment facilities;
         (d)   Convenience stores; and
         (e)   Motels and hotels.
   (C)   Conditional uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the C-1 Commercial District if a conditional use permit for the use has been obtained in conformance with the provisions of this Zoning Code - conditional use permits.
      (1)   Residential uses. Upper-story apartments.
      (2)   Public and recreational uses.
         (a)   Educational institution, elementary, junior high and high schools; and
         (b)   Cemeteries.
      (3)   Road service and commercial entertainment uses.
         (a)   Automobile service stations;
         (b)   Automobile washing facilities; and
         (c)   Commercial recreational facilities.
   (D)   Height and area regulations. The maximum height and minimum lot requirements within the C-3 Streetscape Business District shall be as follows.
General Requirements for All Streetscape Business Uses
General Requirements for All Streetscape Business Uses
Maximum height
40 feet or 4 stories
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum front yard setback
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width
Minimum per unit
Minimum rear yard setback
10 feet
Minimum side yard setback
General Requirements When Adjacent/Abutting Any Residential District or Use
Maximum height
40 feet or 4 stories
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum front yard setback
15 feet
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width
Minimum per unit
Minimum rear yard setback
20 feet
Minimum side yard setback
5 feet
(Ord. 24-05, passed 2-29-2024)