(A) Intent. This District is intended to provide an integrated collection of structures and uses designed to supply a majority of the daily needs of village residents.
(B) Principal permitted uses.
(1) Public and recreational uses.
(a) Places of worship;
(b) Libraries;
(c) Public buildings of all types (Fire Department and Police Department);
(d) Non-commercial recreational facilities;
(e) Museums;
(f) Child day care centers, commercial or professional; and
(g) Private clubs.
(2) Business office uses.
(a) Business, professional and administrative offices; and
(b) Medical offices and clinics.
(3) Retail commercial and service uses.
(a) General merchandise stores;
(b) Personal services;
(c) Restaurants, standard;
(d) Restaurants, fast food;
(e) Financial establishments;
(f) Commercial planned unit developments;
(g) Private schools;
(h) Arcade and pool halls;
(i) Household items repair shops;
(j) Printing, publishing, lithographing, binding and computer-based establishments; and
(k) Nurseries and garden supplies stores.
(4) Road service and commercial entertainment uses.
(a) Bars, taverns, nightclubs and dance clubs;
(b) Carry outs;
(c) Commercial entertainment facilities;
(d) Convenience stores; and
(e) Motels and hotels.
(C) Conditional uses. A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the C-1 Commercial District if a conditional use permit for the use has been obtained in conformance with the provisions of this Zoning Code - conditional use permits.
(1) Residential uses. Upper-story apartments.
(2) Public and recreational uses.
(a) Educational institution, elementary, junior high and high schools; and
(b) Cemeteries.
(3) Road service and commercial entertainment uses.
(a) Automobile service stations;
(b) Automobile washing facilities; and
(c) Commercial recreational facilities.
(D) Height and area regulations. The maximum height and minimum lot requirements within the C-1 Commercial District shall be as follows.
General Requirements for All Downtown Business Uses: | |
Maximum height | 40 feet or 4 stories |
Maximum lot coverage | None |
Minimum front yard setback | None |
Minimum lot area | None |
Minimum lot width | None |
Minimum per unit | None |
Minimum rear yard setback | 10 feet |
Minimum side yard setback | None |
General Requirement When Adjacent/Abutting Any Residential District or Use | |
Maximum height | 40 feet of 4 stories |
Maximum lot coverage | None |
Minimum front yard setback | 15 feet |
Minimum lot area | None |
Minimum lot width | None |
Minimum per unit | None |
Minimum rear yard setback | 20 feet |
Minimum side yard setback | 5 feet |
(Ord. 03-04, passed - -2002)