(A)   All meters will be read quarterly.
   (B)   If the meter reader is unable to obtain a reading because a meter is out of order, the meter will be replaced and the amount of water consumed will be estimated.
   (C)   If the meter is damaged due to negligence on the part of the property owner, the cost of replacement shall be assessed to the properties corresponding water/sewer bill.
   (D)   The village shall make a charge for any service requiring a special trip to the property, such as temporary shut-offs. Only representatives of the village are authorized to install, disconnect or remove water meters from a service. Any meter not properly removed, which becomes lost or not recoverable, shall be chargeable to the property owner. No person without a permit from the village is allowed to turn a stop chock, hydrant or valve owned by the village or on public right-of-way, other than plumbers, excepting, however, members of the Fire Department in the performance of their duties. In case trouble occurs between the main and the curb stop, or in the meter, the village should be called. If the trouble is beyond the curb stop, it should be shut off and a plumber called at the property owner’s expense.
   (E)   Service branches are installed at the expense of the property owner who is held responsible at all times for any leakage that may occur between the curb stop and the building. The village has the right to replace any water meter it deems necessary.
   (F)   All meters must be accessible at all times. Failure to comply with this rule will be cause for discontinuing service which will not be resumed until the trouble has been remedied. This rule shall apply to meters in meter pits which are covered with dirt or other materials or that are filled with matter or gas, or where passage to meters is blocked so that the meters are not accessible.
   (G)   The village will require each water service to have its own separate accessible municipal shut-off valve and box. All shut-off valves must be clear and accessible at all times so that water may be shut off as necessary by the Public Works Department. No valve box shall be covered with concrete, asphalt or other materials. The shut-off valve and box shall be constructed pursuant to village standards and the site selected by the village. The valve box will be located prior to the meter. The valve box and shut-off are the responsibility of the owner to maintain. No person other the authorized village personnel are permitted to turn water on or off at the shut-off valve. If current services do not comply with this subchapter, they will need to be retrofitted to meet village standards. The property owner will have 60 days from notification to comply. If they do not comply within 60 days, service will be terminated for that property or properties.
   (H)   The owner of the property may request turn-off in order to permanently or temporarily terminate charges.
   (I)   A list of all current charges, fees and rates for the various water services performed are on file in the village office. These charges, fees and rates are subject to amendment by the village and are not to be construed as being fixed for an indefinite period of time.
   (J)   Bills rendered to landlords having multiple establishments or apartment units should be computed where the minimum billing shall not be less than the minimum rate times the number of units.
(Ord. 20-03, passed 2-25-2020)