This list is not all inclusive, but is to be used as a guideline for submittals and reviews.
Description | Remarks |
Description | Remarks |
Received fees | |
Six copies of the final plat | |
Three copies of construction drawings | |
Two copies of engineer’s estimate | |
One copy of storm sewer calculations, storm detention calculations and other necessary design calculations | |
Performance surety | |
Name of subdivision | |
Location by section, town, range and township | |
Date of plat | |
North arrow and basis of bearing | |
Acreage to thousandths of an acre | |
Deed book and reference page (plat book, if available) | |
Name and address of the subdividers | |
Name and address of professional engineer who prepared plans, including registration number and seal | |
Name and address of professional surveyor who prepared plat, including registration number and seal | |
Perimeter of subdivision to be outlined by a heavy border | |
All dimensions | |
Bearings and distances to the nearest centerline of intersecting roads | |
Names, exact location, dimensions and right-of-way width of all streets | |
Radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings, chord length and bearings, lengths of arcs of all applicable streets within the plat area | |
The exact locations, dimensions and uses of easements shall be illustrated on the plat | |
All lots accurately dimensioned in feet and hundredths with lot numbers and acreage | |
Replatted lots shall illustrate old lot numbers and lot lines dotted on the plat | |
Accurate location and a description of all monuments as to type, size and whether the monument was found or set | |
Any restrictions and covenants shall be shown on the final plat | |
Acknowledgment dedication statement of the owner or owners to the | |
A statement of intention and request for the vacation of lot lines and easements | |
The signature of authorized representatives of local utility companies acknowledging the abandonment of easements | |
Names of record of all abutting parcels with deed reference, acreage and survey record reference | |
Any section lines, corporation limits, township and county lines | |
Location of permanent facilities and easements for same used for drainage control, such as detention basin, retention ponds, infiltration beds and the like, and statement of the provisions for the maintenance of these facilities | |
Construction plans submitted to the Ohio EPA for approvals as required | |
Submitted within 12 months of preliminary approval | |
Conforms to preliminary plat and incorporates suggested changes | |
Street names | |
Size of lots meet minimum requirement | |
Setback lines meet minimum requirement | |
Corner lot size appropriate | |
Sufficient easements for utilities or open drainage | |
Approval signature and date lines | |
(Ord. 12-23, passed 11-27-2012)