This list is not all inclusive, but is to be used as a guideline for submittals and reviews.
Description | Remarks |
Description | Remarks |
Received fees | |
Six copies of plat (at a scale of not more than 1" = 100') | |
Name of subdivision | |
Location of property with respect to surrounding property and streets | |
Location by township, section, town and range | |
Names of all adjoining property owners or names of adjoining developers | |
Name of adjoining subdivisions | |
Location and names of adjoining streets | |
Location of corporation line, if applicable | |
Location and dimensions of all boundary lines of the property in feet and decimals of a foot | |
Vicinity sketch | |
Indication of zoning | |
Location of existing easements | |
Location of existing water bodies, streams and other pertinent features, such as railroads, buildings, parks, cemeteries, drainage ditches, bridges and the like | |
Locations, dimensions and areas of all proposed or existing lots | |
Location and dimensions of all property proposed to be set aside for park or playground use, or other public or private reservation, with designation of the purpose thereof, and conditions, if any, of the dedication or reservation | |
Date of plat | |
Scale of plat | |
North arrow | |
Data from which the location, bearing, and length of all lines can be determined and reproduced on the ground | |
Names of new streets as approved by the Planning Commission | |
Indication of the use of any lot and all uses other than residential | |
Lots consecutively numbered | |
Approximate dimensions of lots, including lot area | |
Front building setback lines | |
Profiles showing existing and proposed elevations along centerline of all streets | |
Approximate stationing on all streets | |
Location, size, and invert elevations of all existing and proposed sanitary sewers and stormwater sewers and structures | |
Preliminary drainage plan including proposed stormwater detention location | |
Location and size of all water lines | |
Topography at the same scale with contour interval of one-foot | |
Other specifications and references required by the local government; construction standards and specifications, including a site grading plan for the entire subdivision | |
Title of property, name and address of owner, and signature of surveyor | |
Date, including revision dates | |
Notation of approval, signature line for Planning Commission Chairperson | |
Name and address of subdivider and/or developer | |
Copy of protective covenants, if applicable | |
Indication of any developmental phasing or staged development timing | |
Meets zoning requirements (i.e., minimum frontage, setbacks, area and the like) | |
Conformance with major street plan | |
No flood hazards | |
Right-of-way widths, meets minimum criteria | |
Avoidance of multiple intersections | |
Lengths of blocks, meets minimum criteria | |
(Ord. 12-23, passed 11-27-2012)