After the complete submittal is considered officially filed, a copy of the survey plat is then checked by the Village Administrator or Planning Commission for its conformity with these regulations. The Village Administrator or Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the minor subdivision within seven working days after it has been officially and properly submitted. If approval is granted under these conditions, it shall be signed and dated as approved. If the proposed subdivision is disapproved, the subdivider shall be notified in writing stating the grounds for disapproval. The plat shall then be taken by the subdivider to the County Auditor for the transfer of property and then to the County Recorder where it will become a legal lot of record. Lot split requests expire if not recorded within one year of initial fee payment. A proposal remaining unapproved by the Planning Commission or Village Administrator for one year from the date of fee payment shall expire and become void. Incomplete or deficient proposals shall be disapproved and the subdivider notified of issues and reasons for the disapproval. The subdivider shall furnish the village with a reproducible of the recorded plat.
(Ord. 12-23, passed 11-27-2012)