In accordance with I.C. 8-1.5-3.5:
   (A)   Water meters will be read around the twenty-second of each month.
   (B)   Meter readings will be entered, and a high/low usage report will be run.
   (C)   High/low meter readings will be re-read and documented.
   (D)   Water bills will be mailed.
   (E)   Customer will bring the water bill into the office in refusal to pay. If customer denies having a leak, and there is no justifiable answer to why the customer’s bill was at least two times the average monthly usage at the premises, the following will occur.
   (F)   Water meter will be re-read.
   (G)   Water meter will be pulled and a new meter will be installed, outside premises will be observed for water saturation on the premises.
   (H)   Water meter will be sent off for inspection.
   (I)   Special meeting will be held to obtain approval from town council, upon that time, Town Hall office will provide a written out adjustment form, copy of bill with three noted meter readings, and an adjustment sign sheet for the Council to approve.
   (J)   Once Town Hall receives the signed sheet, actual adjustment will be made and updated.
   (K)   Customer will be called into the office to sign adjustment and to be notified we are only allowed to make an unusual large bill adjustment once a year and if following month it is high they will be responsible for paying the bill.
   (L)   All documentation will be stapled together and filed in the adjustment folder for the current year and noted in the delinquent folder.
(Policy and Procedure 2015-4-27, passed 4-27-2015)