§ 111.02  APPLICATION.
   It shall not cause to be issued to any person, firm or corporation a license to run, operate or maintain a pool and billiard room or hall in the town unless the person shall first make application in writing to the Town Council, stating the name, age, race of the person to be licensed, the number of pool tables and billiard tables to be operated, the location and description of building, and that he or she is of good moral character and a fit and proper person to run and operate the pool or billiard room or hall. The Town Council shall thereupon hear evidence as to the character and the qualifications of the applicant and shall make their finding thereof, with an order to the Clerk-Treasurer to issue a license or not to issue the same as per their finding. The Town Council shall not grant licenses to any person whatever, if it shall appear that there is more than one pool and billiard table to each 250 and fraction of the inhabitants of the town, according to the last preceding United States census. In the event that the Town Council shall approve the application, then the applicant shall pay to the Clerk-Treasurer the sum of $25 for each pool or billiard table authorized to be operated by him or her, and upon presentation of the receipt and certified copy of the order of the Town Council, the Clerk-Treasurer of the town shall issue a license for a term of one year therefrom.
(Ord. passed 2-6-1922)