(a) No person shall hunt or trap upon any lands, ponds, lakes, or private waters within the municipality unless in conformity with this section.
(b) Bow hunting within the corporate limits of the Village is permitted if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The hunter is a Village resident or guest of the resident and landowner.
(2) Not more than one guest shall be permitted to hunt on a given part of land at a time. (Ord. 14-1996. Passed 11-13-96.)
(3) The hunting is confined to an area of not less than five acres, comprised of not more than two adjacent landowners, and is at least 150 feet from the property line of a non-consenting landowner.
(Ord. 15-2002. Passed 11-13-02.)
(4) The written permission of the landowner must be secured and be on the person at all times while in the area to be hunted.
(5) The hunter shoots only from a platform elevated not less than eight feet from the surface of the ground directly beneath the platform.
(6) A twenty-five dollar ($25.00) permit fee is paid to and a permit is secured from the Chief of Police on a form prescribed by the Chief and approved by the Mayor. All applicable state licenses must be secured prior to applying for a hunting permit from the Chief of Police.
(7) All hunting is done in conformity with all applicable laws and regulations of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
(c) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor.
(Ord. 14-1996. Passed 11-13-96.)