(a)   Development Standards.
      (1)   Setbacks and Building Heights. All facades and pavement areas shall be constructed behind all required setbacks. Building facades shall adhere to all required maximum setbacks.
         A.   Minimum building and pavement front setback: 15 feet.
            1.   Parking shall not be permitted in the front yard. Access drives shall be permitted.
            2.   Architectural features including, but not limited to signage, awnings, columns, porticos, public art, or landscape features may be built forward or behind the required setbacks, upon approval from the Planning Commission.
         B.   Maximum front building façade setback: 30 feet.
         C.   Minimum rear and side yard building setback: 15 feet.
         D.   Minimum rear and side yard pavement setback: 10 feet.
         E.   Maximum Building Height: 50 feet or 3 stories, whichever is lower.
         F.   The overall gross residential density for any one development shall not exceed 12 units per acre. A density bonus may be granted by the village in the event the proposed project/application contributes a significant public benefit to the Village that mitigates the increased denisty. Factors in determining whether the density bonus contributes a significant public benefit include, but are not limited to: the improved preservation of contiguous natural open space; dedication of open space for public use; additional community services; whether the proposed project/application includes development within the Village Center District with a proposed permitted or approved conditional use other than residential; and, the use of higher quality materials in the development than would otherwise be utilized without the bonus. In no case shall the density bonus exceed a gross density of 16 units per acre.
      (2)   Architectural Standards.
         A.   Buildings shall receive three-sided architectural treatments, including traditional and natural materials and pedestrian-scaled architectural features.
         B.   Building entrances must be emphasized and have at least one entrance oriented toward or a dedicated or private street.
         C.   Buildings shall have a tri-partite organization, meaning they shall be designed with a base, middle, and cap.
            (Ord. 2016-11-19. Passed 12-13-16.)