137.12 RECORDS.
   (a)    Personnel Records.
      (1)   The Chief of Police shall maintain personnel files on each of the members of the Police Department. The Chief shall keep information regarding training received by each Officer, personnel actions taken, or complaints received regarding each Officer, time records, annual evaluation of performance, personal data such as date of birth, etc., job assignments, commendations, awards, sick and injury leave, and information regarding special skills held by the Officer.
   (b)   Daily Activity Report.
            (1)    The Chief of Police shall incorporate an Officer's Daily Activity Report, and shall have each Officer complete the report reflecting the activities of each shift. This function will serve as an aid to the Officer in the scheduling and use of his time while he is on duty and shall further assist those Officers coming on after each shift to acquaint them with problems that have occurred in previous shifts.
   (c)   Vehicle Logs. There is hereby established under the supervision of the Chief of Police, a requirement that a vehicle log be kept for each Police cruiser, and as each Patrolman comes on duty, the Patrolman shall log the mileage showing on the speedometer, shall log the mileage shown at the end of the shift, shall log any mileage driven outside the corporation limits of the Village, and in cases in which miles are driven outside of the Village an explanation shall be attached regarding destination and reason that such miles were incurred. This report shall be completed on a daily basis by each Officer driving a Police cruiser.
   (d)    Radio Logs. The Chief of Police shall work with the Radio Dispatcher used by the Village, and the Chief shall obtain on a regular basis copies of radio logs reflecting the activity of the Department. All Officers of the Department shall be instructed by the Chief on proper radio procedures, and such procedures shall be followed in order to insure complete radio logs.
(Ord. 2015-7-20. Passed 9-9-15.)