(a)   Whoever desires to solicit for commercial purposes as defined in Section 705.01(a) shall register with the Police Chief or his designee, during normal business hours, a written application on a form to be provided by the Police Chief correctly setting forth the following information:
      (1)    The full name of the applicant;
                (2)   His or her current address and all residences within the immediate prior two (2) years;
               (3)    His or her birth date, demonstrating that the person is at least eighteen (18) years of age, height, weight and color of eyes and hair;
               (4)    Whether or not he or she uses a motor vehicle in his or her business, and if so, the make, model, year and current registration number thereof;
               (5)    The state of issue of his or her driver's license and the number thereof;
               (6)    Two (2) one (1) inch square photographs of applicant's face;
               (7)    The name, address and phone number of his or her employer, and a contact person therein;
                (8)    A brief description of the goods, wares, merchandise, investments, products or services involved; and
                (9)    Whether or not he or she has ever been convicted of any crime, other than a minor misdemeanor traffic offense, and if so, the nature thereof and the penalty therefor.
        (b)    Concurrently with the filing of the application, the applicant shall pay a fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) to compensate for the costs incident to the background investigation, registration and issuance of stamped copies of credentials.
        (c)    Within twenty (20) days of compliance of the foregoing provisions of this Section, the Police Chief shall forthwith stamp the original of the application as "Inspected" and, if approved, deliver credentials of approval to the applicant for identification use as hereinafter provided. Such application shall also be stamped with the date of expiration of the registration which in each case shall be the close of the current calendar year, or six (6) months whichever is later.
        (d)    Possession of such stamped application shall not entitle the applicant to enter upon any lot or land specified in Section 705.05 or between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. on weekdays and Saturdays or at any time on Sundays or a State or National Holiday nor shall such credentials be valid for the solicitation or sale of any goods or services not disclosed in the original application.
        (e)    Any applicant who has not reach eighteen (18) years of age shall be required to have a parent, guardian or employer co-sign on the application.
        (f)    Any applicant who is discovered to have been convicted of, or who has plead guilty to any criminal offense of the Ohio Revised Code, United States Code, or any other substantially similar state or local code provision that constitutes any theft or fraud offense, any offense of burglary, any offenses of violence or any offenses of a sexual nature shall be prohibited from Commercial Solicitation within the Village.
(Ord. 2013-8-22. Passed 8-14-13.)