Burials in Fairview Cemetery shall be limited to the following:
   (a)   Residents of the Village.
   (b)   Relatives of persons who are residents of the Village and who own a burial plot and assume all liability and expenses thereof.
   (c)   Garden of Angels, must meet subsections (a) or (b) hereof and an infant not exceed 1 (one) year of age, nor require a casket larger than 15 ½" (fifteen and one half inches) wide by 36 1/4 " (thirty six and ¼ inches) long by 14" (fourteen inches) high.
   (d)   Past or current Village employees who own a burial plot and assume all expenses thereof. In order to qualify for this provision, the Village employee must purchase the burial plots while employed by the Village and only after two (2) contiguous years of service thereto. An employee can buy up to two (2) burial plots, and the purchased burial plots must be for the Village employee and only an immediate family member of the employee.
      (Ord. 2019-6-15. Passed 7-9-19.)