(a)   The Police Department shall consist of a Chief of Police, up to three (3) Supervisory employees, and as many officers as deemed necessary by Council
      (1)   The Chief of Police and all members of the Police Department shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by Council, as provided in Ohio Revised Code 737.15 and 737.16.
                  (2)   There shall be no residency requirement of any kind connected with the position of Police Chief.
   (b)   The positions in subsection (a) hereof may or may not be filled at any time and are provided in order to give the Mayor and Chief of Police the ability to provide for coverage of the Village, and at the time allow for vacation and sick days taken by full-time employees.
   (c)   All police officers are subject to removal from their position if the Mayor, upon recommendation by the Chief of Police, finds that the officer was guilty of incompetence, gross neglect of duty, gross immorality, habitual drunkenness, failure to obey orders given them by the proper authority, or for any other reasonable or just cause. The Mayor shall make the final decision on termination of any auxiliary police officer, and the specific requirements of Ohio R.C. 737.19 do not apply to an auxiliary police officer.
   (d)   Except as otherwise required by the laws of Ohio, part-time police officers will not be covered under the Village health insurance plan and will not be entitled to accumulate sick leave or vacation. (Ord. 2015-7-20. Passed 9-9-15; Ord. 2019-7-18. Passed 7-9-19.)