The Board of Zoning Appeals may authorize the construction of buildings or frame construction, signs, material bins and water tanks when constructed of planking and timber of dimensions specified for heavy timber construction; fences not exceeding ten feet in height, grain houses not more than fifteen feet in height and located not less than seven feet from the side or rear lot lines; storm enclosures when not more than twelve feet in height when the roof of such storm enclosure is covered with fire resistant roof covering; limber storage sheds except that such sheds shall not be erected nearer than 100 feet to any structure in the First Fire District or residence in the Second Fire District; buildings of unprotected metal construction but not exceeding 2500 square feet in area when used for nonhazardous business occupancy and being not less than 100 feet and not more than one story in height and with walls having a horizontal separation of less than ten feet from any other structures which have a fire-resistance rating of not less than two hours.
(Ord. 39-1972. Passed 7-5-72.)