Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit within the First Fire District, subject to specified limitations, the erection of new buildings or structures, nor the extension and enlargement or moving of existing buildings or structures as follows:
   (a)   Shed roofs of all metal or frame construction erected against a building other than a frame building to be used for loading or unloading platforms as approved by the Building Inspector. Such shed roofs shall not be higher than fifteen feet or not more than 660 square feet in area and the shed must be open on the long sides and ends.
   (b)   Builders' shanties of all metal or frame construction must be located on the same lot or on a lot immediately adjacent to the building operation or on a sidewalk or floor when a permit has been obtained from the Building Inspector.
   (c)   Display signs, as provided for in the Zoning Ordinance for the types of buildings or structures which are permitted in the First Fire District, may be moved or altered within such district provided such buildings or structure, when completed in their new location or when altered, comply as to occupancy, construction, equipment and location with the regulations of this chapter for new buildings.
      (Ord. 39-1972. Passed 7-5-72.)