(a)    RES Residential District.
      (1)    Each dwelling, including home occupation, shall be permitted a single one- or two-sided non-illuminated sign, provided such sign does not exceed two square feet in area, each side. In addition, each dwelling shall be permitted up to five security signs, and one warning placard per one hundred twenty-five feet of lot line, each not to exceed one square foot per side.
      (2)    Each entrance of a residential subdivision, upon application to, and approval of, the Planning Commission, may be permitted a single one- or two-sided, indirectly-illuminated or non-illuminated subdivision sign, containing only the name of the subdivision, provided such sign does not exceed sixteen ( 16) square feet per side.
      (3)    Temporary one- or two-sided non-illuminated signs shall be permitted subject to the General Regulations of this chapter and if any of the following applies:
         A.    A temporary sign relating to garage or yard sales, or to personal, community or holiday events, shall be permitted on-site provided that each such sign does not exceed four square feet per side, and further provided that such signs shall not be erected for more than thirty consecutive days and shall not be reissued more than three times in one calendar year per residence.
         B.    A temporary sign advertising residential property for sale, lease, or rental shall be permitted on that property, provided such sign does not exceed six (6) square feet in area per side, and further shall be removed within seven (7) days after said transaction is finalized. A single additional such sign advertising a real estate "open house" shall be permitted only while the property is open for public inspection.
         C.    A temporary construction (on-the-job) sign for jobsite identification shall be permitted on-site during active construction, provided such sign shall not exceed four square feet per side, and further provided that such sign shall be removed when the job is completed or delayed.
         D.    Any political sign that does not exceed twelve (12) square feet per side shall be permitted provided that such sign shall not be erected for more than thirty (30) consecutive days before it must be taken down and, at the property owner's option, be replaced with a new sign. Each such sign shall be du1y registered in accordance with Section 1179.03(j).
      (4)   Variances in this district may permit more extensive signage if approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals but in no instance shall any such sign be more than two-sided or exceed sixteen (16) square feet per side for a residential use, or exceed thirty-two square feet per side for a nonresidential use, or be illuminated except as otherwise permitted in this chapter.
      (5)    Editor's Note: Former subsection (a)(5) was repealed by Ordinance 15- 2007, passed August 8, 2007.
      (6)    Under no circumstances shall any sign erected in this district exceed six (6) feet in height.
   (b)    OP Office/Professional District.
      (1)    Each permissible use shall be permitted a single one- or two-sided freestanding sign provided such sign does not exceed thirty-two square feet per side nor exceed six (6) feet in height above the surrounding finished grade. All freestanding signs shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (2)    Each permissible use shall be permitted a single one-sided wall sign permanently attached to the building provided such sign does not exceed thirty-two square feet. No sign shall protrude above or beyond the wall of any building, nor project more than 12 inches from the wall surface. All signs attached to any building shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (3)    Each entry or exit drive shall be permitted a single one- or two-sided directional sign, provided such sign not exceed four square feet per side and shall not obscure visibility. All directional signs shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (4)    Temporary one- or two-sided non-illuminated signs shall be permitted subject to the General Regu1ations of this chapter and if any of the following applies:
         A.    A temporary sign announcing sales, new products and special business events shall be permitted on-site. Such signs shall be permitted as wall signs or as freestanding signs where other such signs are permitted, in addition to the permanent business signs, provided such signs do not exceed forty percent of the maximum area otherwise permitted for each type of permanent sign. Such signs shall not be displayed for more than thirty consecutive days and shall not be reissued more than three times in one calendar year per business except that signs advertising a “special, “grand opening” or other commercial event of this nature shall be limited to seven (7) consecutive days and shall not be reissued more than once per calendar year per business.
         B.    A temporary sign advertising the sale, lease, or rental of business property shall be permitted on that property, provided such sign does not exceed six (6) square feet in area per side. Signs advertising the sale of business real estate shall be properly maintained and must be removed seven (7) days after the closing on such property. Signs advertising the rental or lease of business property shall be properly maintained and must be removed seven (7) days after the signing of a rental or lease agreement. Signs advertising the rental or lease of business property shall be permitted only when space is available in that property. A single additional such sign advertising a real estate "open house" shall be permitted only while the property is open for public inspection.
         C.    A temporary construction (on-the-job) sign for jobsite identification shall be permitted on-site during active construction, provided such sign shall not exceed thirty-two square feet per side and further provided that such sign shall be removed when the job is completed or delayed.
         D.    Any political sign that does not exceed twelve (12) square feet per side shall be permitted provided that such sign shall not be erected for more than thirty (30) consecutive days before it must be taken down and, at the property owner's option, be replaced with a new sign. Each such sign shall be du1y registered in accordance with Section 1179.03(j).
      (5)    Variances in this district may permit more extensive signage if approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals but in no instance shall any such sign be more than two-sided, nor exceed thirty-two square feet per side, nor extend more than eight feet in height from surrounding finished grade.
   (c)    GB General Business District.
      (1)   Each business shall be permitted a single one- or two-sided freestanding sign provided such sign does not exceed thirty-two square feet per side nor exceed eight (8) feet in height above the surrounding finished grade. All freestanding signs shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (2)    The maximum total area of all wall signs attached to a building in this district shall be related to the width (W in feet) of the street frontage of the building, or building unit thereof, occupied by the principal use, as follows:
         maximum sign area (in square feet)= (W x 1 foot)+ 40 square feet
but no single sign shall exceed 50 square feet, nor shall any combination of signs cover more than 10% of the area of any single building elevation. No sign shall protrude above or beyond the wall of any building, nor project more than 12 inches from the wall surface. All signs attached to any building shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (3)    Each entry or exit drive shall be permitted a single one- or two-sided directional sign, provided such sign not exceed six (6) square feet per side and shall not obscure visibility. All directional signs shall be approved by the Planning Commission.
      (4)    Temporary one- or two-sided non-illuminated signs shall be permitted subject to the General Regulations of this Chapter and if any of the following applies:
         A.    A temporary sign announcing sales, new products and special business events shall be permitted on-site. Such signs shall be permitted as wall signs or as freestanding signs where other such signs are permitted, in addition to the permanent business signs, provided such signs do not exceed forty percent of the maximum area otherwise permitted for each type of permanent sign. Such signs shall not be displayed for more than thirty consecutive days and shall not be reissued more than three times in one calendar year per business, except that signs advertising a "special", "grand opening" or other commercial event of this nature shall be limited to seven (7) consecutive days and shall not be reissued more than once per calendar year per business.
         B.    A temporary sign advertising the sale, lease, or rental of business property shall be permitted on that property, provided such sign does not exceed six (6) square feet in area per side. Signs advertising the sale of business real estate shall be properly maintained and must be removed seven (7) days after the closing on such property. Signs advertising the rental or lease of business property shall be properly maintained and must be removed seven (7) days after the signing of a rental or lease agreement. Signs advertising the rental or lease of business property shall be permitted only when space is available in that property. A single additional such sign advertising a real estate "open house" shall be permitted only while the property is open for public inspection.
         C.    A temporary construction (on-the-job) sign for jobsite identification shall be permitted on-site during active construction, provided such sign shall not exceed thirty-two square feet per side, and further provided that such sign shall be removed when the job is completed or delayed.
         D.    Any political sign that does not exceed twelve (12) square feet per side shall be permitted provided that such sign shall not be erected for more than thirty (30) consecutive days before it must be taken down and, at the property owner's option, be replaced with a new sign. Each such sign shall be duly registered in accordance with Section 1179.03(j).
      (5)   Variances in this district may permit more extensive signage if approved by the Board of Zoning Appeals but in no instance shall any such sign be more than two-sided, nor exceed one hundred and fifty square feet per side, nor extend more than forty feet in height from surrounding finished grade.
   (d)    RB Retail Business District. Signs in this District shall be regulated in accordance the regulations governing the GB General Business Zoning District, in subsection (c) hereof.
   (e)    LM Light Manufacturing District. Signs in this District shall be regulated in accordance the regulations governing the GB General Business Zoning District, in subsection (c) hereof.
(Ord. 2016-3-2. Passed 5-10-16.)