The position of Assistant Office Clerk is hereby established and defined so as to provide for a Part-Time and/or Substitute Clerk to be appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by Council. The Assistant Office Clerk may be appointed and confirmed at the first regularly scheduled Village Council meeting in January of each year to serve a one (1) year term. Whenever it is necessary to have a substitute in the place of the Office Clerk, when that individual cannot work due to illness, vacation or other reasonable excuse authorized by the Mayor, the Assistant Office Clerk shall work in the place of the Office Clerk. The Assistant Office Clerk may also be called in to work by the Mayor at times when an extra person is needed to complete the necessary work of the Office Clerk, that for the reason of volume or other matters, the Office Clerk is unable to take care of such items in a timely manner.
(Ord. 2015-7-20. Passed 9-9-15.)