(a)   Any lot of record or lot for which a land contract has been issued or any lot within an unrecorded allotment of which at least one-half of the lots are of record or have been sold on land contract on the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance 87-1951, passed July 10, 1951), may be used for a single or a two family dwelling in existence prior to May, 1995 irrespective of the area of the width of the lot; the width of the side yard of any such lot need not exceed ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot; the depth of the rear yard need not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the depth of the lot. However, in no instance shall the minimum dimensions of the side and the rear yards be less than five and twenty feet, respectively. The building lines established on lots within a recorded allotment shall prevail over those established in this Zoning Ordinance. (Ord. 21-2000. Passed 10-11-00.)
   (b)   Any lot of record on the effective date of Ordinance No. 87-1951 known as the Zoning Ordinance Passed July 10, 1951, containing 4 or more acres of land, may be used and subdivided to provide for two single-family dwellings irrespective of the width of the lot; the width of the side yard of any such lot need not exceed ten percent (10%) of the width of the lot; the depth of the rear yard need not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the depth of the lot; however, in no instance shall the minimum dimensions of the side and rear yards be less than 5 feet and 20 feet, respectively; provided however, that each lot shall have an area of not less than 2 acres of land for each dwelling. Ingress and egress to such dwellings may be by easement of not less than 9 feet in width from a duly dedicated street.
(Passed by Initiative 7-9-81.)