(a)    No operations shall discharge treated or untreated sewage or industrial waste into any reservoir or lake or discharge untreated sewage into any stream. All methods of sewage and industrial waste treatment and disposal shall be in a manner acceptable to the applicable local and State health agencies having jurisdiction.
   (b)    During construction of any building in this district, all contractors’ equipment and employees; vehicles shall be parked on the premises and such premises shall be kept reasonably dust free.
   (c)    During construction, the highways in the vicinity of the premises shall be kept reasonably free of dirt and debris.
   (d)   All vehicular entrances and exits on public streets and highways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the specifications of the Summit County Engineering Department.
   (e)    All unloading space, private driveways and parking areas shall be reasonably dust free, and such driveways leading to such parking areas shall be permanently treated with a hard surface upon the ground, conditions permitting, in accordance with Section 1151.08.
   (f)    All open areas surrounding the main building and facing any public street, excluding the parking area, are to be landscaped.
   (g)    No outside area may be used for storage unless such storage area is screened from public view, except that this shall not prohibit the parking of cars and trucks in daily use.
(Ord. 1-2011. Passed 1-12-11.)