In order to classify, regulate and restrict the location of trades, residences, recreation and other land uses and the use of buildings and structures designed for special uses, to regulate and limit the height, bulk, number of stories and size of buildings and other structures hereafter attempted to be located on land in any zoning district; to regulate and limit the percentage of lot areas which may be occupied, provide setback building lines, size of yards, courts and other open spaces within and surrounding business, the density of population, the territory within the Municipality is hereby divided into six districts. To the extent any development or new construction is sought in any district that also has an overlay district, the "Area-wide Standards" set forth in Section 1163.06 shall apply. All such regulations shall be uniform throughout each class or kind of building or structure. Districts shall be known as:       
      Residential District      (RES)
      Office/Professional District   (OP)
      General Business District   (GB)
      Retail Business District   (RB)
      Light Manufacturing District   (LM)
      Hines Hill Corridor Overlay   (HHO)
(Ord. 2017-7-15. Passed 9-12-17.)