(a) No person residing in a private residence shall permit to accumulate upon the premises any garbage or rubbish except in covered containers approved by Council, except for tree cuttings.
(b) All garbage shall be kept in either tightly sealed plastic bags or in rust-resistant, watertight, nonabsorbent and easily washable containers which are covered with closely fitted lids. Where practicable, all garbage shall be drained of liquids and wrapped in paper. Containers and plastic bags shall be of adequate capacity and provided in sufficient number to hold all garbage that accumulates between collections. All containers shall be washed and treated with a disinfectant as often as necessary to prevent nuisance. Containers and plastic bags shall be placed outside the building after sunset of the day preceding the collection and before 8:00 a.m. of the day of collection. The empty container shall be removed from the tree lawn no later than 12:00 midnight of the day of collection. All containers and plastic bags used for collection shall be placed on the tree lawn near the curb.
(c) All rubbish shall be stored in reasonably tight and substantial containers that are easy to handle and whose weight shall not exceed fifty pounds. Such containers shall be of adequate capacity and in sufficient number to hold all rubbish that accumulates between collections. Insofar as practicable, boxes, papers, tree cuttings, and odd articles shall be crushed and bundled in lengths of not more than four feet and in weights of not more than fifty pounds.
(Ord. 7-2005. Passed 2-9-05.)