6-1.1   General Duties of City Auditor.
   The Auditing Department shall be under the charge of a City Auditor who shall be appointed by the Mayor, and hold office, subject to the Civil Service laws and rules and who shall have the custody of all notes, securities, bonds given for the faithful performance of a contract, contracts and other agreements to which the City is a party and for which no other provision is made, and of all bonds to the City other than the Auditor's; shall keep a register of the dates, amounts, and sureties on all such bonds, and notify the Mayor whenever any such bond expires, or whenever he is of the opinion that it is impaired by the insolvency or other disability of a surety; shall keep a complete set of books, wherein shall be entered the amount of each specific appropriation and each amount that has been expended on account of such appropriation; shall cause the accounts of the several boards, officers, agencies and departments to be regularly examined annually by competent experts at such times as the Mayor shall approve; shall notify the Mayor whenever the expenditures of a Department seem to him to be in excess of a proper monthly ratio of its appropriation; shall, when any appropriation of a Department has been wholly expended, immediately make a report of that fact to the Department and to the Mayor; shall have the custody of all bonds and certificates of indebtedness, and the coupons thereof, issued by the City, after they have been paid and delivered to him by the Collector-Treasurer; shall direct to the Collector-Treasurer all necessary drafts, checks, or other orders for the payment of money, in such form as the Mayor shall approve, and forthwith upon completion of each such examination of accounts, file one copy of his report thereof with the City Clerk, who shall keep the same open to public inspection during regular business hours; shall keep a registry of, and sign with the Collector-Treasurer, countersigned by the Mayor, all bonds and certificates of indebtedness of the City issued by the Collector-Treasurer; and shall, if elected, serve as Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Sinking Funds.
(Ord. August 2, 1824; St. 1909 c. 486 §§ 23 - 25; Ord. 1965 c. 2 § 15; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 6 § 1; Ord. 1974 c. 10; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 1)
   Ord. ss 6-3.6