7-4.2   Powers and Duties.
   The Commissioner of Parks and Recreation shall exclusively have the powers, and perform the duties, of a Department head with respect to the making of contracts and the appointment, suspension, discharge, compensation and indemnification of subordinates for the Department; but otherwise the Board shall have the powers and perform the duties from time to time conferred or imposed on Boards of Park Commissioners of cities in Massachusetts by general laws applicable to Boston and, except as aforesaid, shall also have the powers and perform the duties conferred or imposed by law on the Board of Park Commissioners and Board of Recreation in existence immediately prior to the taking effect of Chapter 2 of the Ordinances of 1954. The Board shall further have the powers and perform the duties from time to time conferred or imposed on it by law. The Deputy Commissioner and the Assistant Commissioners of the Parks and Recreation Department shall have such powers and perform such duties as are from time to time proposed upon them by law or delegated to them by the Commissioner.
(Ord. 1954 c. 2 § 38; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 19 § 2; CBC 1975 Ord. T7 § 101; Ord. 1982 c. 13 § 2; Ord 1987 c. 2 § 2; Ord. 1995 c. 1 § 2)
   Ord. ss 11-6.1