6-3.5   Collection of Accounts by Collector-Treasurer.
   The Collector-Treasurer shall collect and receive all taxes and assessments payable to the City or County, whether committed to him or outstanding at the time of his appointment. He shall also collect and receive all accounts, debts and claims payable to the City or County, and in the collection thereof shall have all the remedies provided by Sections 35, 36 and 93 of Chapter 60 of the General Laws. He shall further collect and receive, except where other provision is made, all other money to be paid to, or for the use of, the City or the County. He shall have custody of all leases from the City. He shall, whenever a water rate is paid, immediately notify the Commissioner of Public Works of such payment.
(Ord. 1941 c. 6; Rev. Ord. 1961 c. 25 § 5; CBC 1975 Ord. T6 § 154)
   Ord. ss 11-6.6; Statutes, Title 11 §§ 150, 172, 177