§ 157.058 AIRPORT USES.
   (A)   The following uses and facilities are considered to be appropriate and common for the safe and efficient take-off and landing of aircraft and are hereby permitted with any airport or heliport.
   (B)   However, if a runway is extended, or direction of a runway is changed, the owners shall petition the Area Plan Commission for approval.
      (1)   Runways with a maximum 60,000-pound weight limit;
      (2)   Storage hangars;
      (3)   Service hangars;
      (4)   Landing lights;
      (5)   Taxi-ways;
      (6)   On-premise illuminated signs (See Table 11);
      (7)   Terminals/offices;
      (8)   One on-site employee residence;
      (9)   Terminal navigational aids;
      (10)   Tie-downs;
      (11)   Weather gauge instruments;
      (12)   Beacons;
      (13)   Fuel storage tanks and pumping systems;
      (14)   Flight school;
      (15)   Meeting facilities; and
      (16)   Employee break room/kitchenette.
(Ord. 2004-07, passed - -2004)