(A)   All Class III discharges shall file with the district all wastewater information deemed necessary by the manager for determination of compliance with this chapter, the district's NPDES permit conditions, and state and federal law. The information shall be provided by completion of a questionnaire designed and supplied by the manager and by supplements thereto as necessary. Information requested in the questionnaire and designated by the discharger as confidential is subject to the conditions of confidentially as set forth in division (C) of this subchapter.
   (B)   A person who owns, operates, or occupies properties designated as a Class III discharger at more than one location shall submit separate information for each location as may be required by the manager.
   (C)   The manager shall implement measures to ensure the confidentially of information provided by a Class III discharger pursuant to this chapter. In no event shall the manager delegate this responsibility or disclose any claimed confidential information to any person without prior written notice to the owner and without providing the owner the opportunity to protect the confidential information, including the right to seek judicial relief.
(Ord. 610.3, passed 8-28-90)