(A)   No deputy sheriff covered by the provisions of this subchapter shall directly or indirectly solicit, receive, or be in any manner concerned in receiving, soliciting, or publicizing any assessment, gift, subscription or contribution to or for any political party or candidate for public office.
   (B)   No deputy sheriff covered by the provisions of this subchapter shall be suspended, laid off, demoted, promoted, disciplined, threatened or in any way changed in duty or compensation for withholding or neglecting to pay or make contributions of any sort, either in money, goods, services, or anything of value for any political purpose. Nothing in this subsection shall limit the power of a sheriff to revoke the appointment of a deputy during the probationary period described in subsection (E) of this section.
   (C)   No deputy sheriff covered by the provisions of this subchapter shall be a candidate for any public office. Any person who violates this subsection shall forfeit the position of deputy sheriff.
   (D)   Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to abridge the rights of any deputy sheriff with respect to personal opinions, beliefs or right to vote.
   (E)   A deputy sheriff's employment shall be probationary during the first year of service. A sheriff may, at his/her pleasure, revoke the appointment of a deputy who works for him/her at any time within one year following the appointment.
(Ord. 09-98-02, passed 9-29-98)