For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COUNTY ORDINANCES. An official act of the Fiscal Court of a general and lasting nature which is enforceable within the jurisdiction of the county or a lawful appropriations of money. Ordinances shall be adopted in conformity with Kentucky Revised Statutes.
   COUNTY COURT ORDERS. An official act of the Fiscal Court of a more transient nature than that of an ordinance. Court orders are used to direct the Judge/Executive or county employee to perform acts desired by the Fiscal Court.
   COUNTY RESOLUTIONS. County resolutions express the position of the Fiscal Court about a particular subject and may be transmitted to some individual or body to convey that position of sentiment.
(Ord. 100.1, passed 9-27-94)
Statutory reference:
   County ordinances, see KRS 67.076 - 67.078