The statement of financial interest shall include:
   (A)   Name of filer, current address and phone number;
   (B)   Title of filer's county government office, title of elected office sought by candidate or title of position held by county government employee required to file a statement;
   (C)   Name of employers (other than the Boone County Fiscal Court/Commonwealth of Kentucky/county agency for which the individual is employed) who paid compensation exceeding $7,500 to the county government officer, candidate, county government employee with procurement authority in excess of $500 or members of their immediate family as of December 31 of the reporting year. Only the name of the employer is to be listed, NOT the amount of compensation received.
   (D)   Any loans, debts, interest paid or received and other financial considerations given to the county government officer, candidate, county government employee with procurement authority in excess of $500, or members of their immediate family as of December 31 of the reporting year that are at a special rate not available to the general public.
   (E)   The source of any other income/monetary gain or gifts in excess of $ 150, or with a value in excess of $150 received by the county government officer, candidate, or county government employee with procurement authority in excess of $500 exclusive of those received from an immediate family member, grandparent, parent or child.
(Ord. 2015-15, passed 10-6-15)