(A) The Town Clerk shall issue the permit authorizing the event unless it finds that:
(1) Conduct of the event will require the assignment of so many police officers that the remainder of the town cannot adequately be protected;
(2) The event will interfere with the movement of emergency vehicles to an extent that adequate police, fire or other emergency services cannot be provided throughout the town;
(3) The applicant has failed to obtain any necessary permits or licenses, including any required building permit or privilege license or the applicant is otherwise in violation of any town ordinance;
(4) The event will work a severe hardship on persons occupying property adjacent to the site, location or route of the event as a result of the denial of access to property or for other substantial reasons;
(5) The event, if held at the time or at the location or along the route proposed, will cause an unreasonable and unwarranted disruption to vehicular or pedestrian traffic; or
(6) The applicant has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter, including the payment of any fees required.
(B) If a permit is issued in accordance with division (A) above, the Town Clerk may attach to it any reasonable conditions.
(C) If the Town Clerk finds that he or she cannot issue the permit for reasons specified in division (A) above, he or she may request the applicant to modify its application to remove any objections to the issuance of the permit and the applicant may do so without further notice or hearing.
(D) Any event conducted pursuant to a permit issued under this section shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the terms of the permit, including any conditions attached hereto.
(E) If the Town Clerk denies or revokes a parade permit, this action shall be final unless the applicant or permittee shall, within two days after the receipt of notice of the denial or revocation, file with the Town Manager written appeal. The Town Manager shall, within 24 hours after the appeal is filed, consider all evidence in support of or against the action appealed and render a decision either sustaining or reversing the denial or revocation.